Your favorite moments in movies where a character says, "What?"
The Departed where Sullivan tells his superiors that he had Queenan followed and Digdom says, "What?" then not long afterwards attacked Sullivan. I think he knew right then that Sullivan was the Mole. He probably knew Queenan was going to see Billy in that scene and obviously knew only the Mole would be going after someone like Queenan.
Also not exactly the same but the part in Ghostbusters 2 where Jack Hardemeyer reveals to Mayor Lenny that he put the Ghostbusters in the psychiatric ward at Park View Hospital and Mayor Lenny responds, "You what?" and then fires him.
Also Batman 89 where Joker says to Bruce Wayne, "You ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?" then Bruce Wayne says, "What?" to which Joker says, "I say that of all my prey. I just like the sound of it."