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Documentaries like jinx (robert durst), OJ made in America and making a


Do you know of any?


Soupçons (2004) is a very good documentary-crime series that doesn't get mentioned often.

Some films: The Thin Blue Line, the Paradise Lost movies, Capturing the Friedmans, Murder on a Sunday Morning, The Central Park Five


Nice! Looks good.


Yeah it's quite a good little series, you get a real sense of what it's like going through a murder trial - the conferences with lawyers & planning of the defence case, the courtroom arguments, the media circus, the effect on families etc.

Some other good crime/documentary films I've since remembered:

Into the Abyss
The Imposter
The Act of Killing
Dear Zachary
Brother's Keeper
Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer


I second several of Rmiles' picks: The Thin Blue Line, the Paradise Lost trilogy, Capturing the Friedmans and The Central Park Five are all good ones that I've seen among those, and can vouch for here.

A recent one that was pretty solid and in this ballpark is The Fear of 13 (2015). It's a documentary film, not in a mini-series format though.

Fighting the frizzies, at 11.


Paradise lost trilogy is good, I don't remember if I have seen the fear of 13 weirdly enough. It does look familiar.


Yeah The Fear of 13 isn't bad either, people who are into The Thin Blue Line will generally like that one too.


Team Foxcatcher (2016)

Being like everybody is the same as being nobody.


Better than the film?
