MovieChat Forums > Games: Other Games > Binge-watching survey - psychology stude...

Binge-watching survey - psychology student

Hi - I'm a psychology student doing a study on binge-watching. If you have 10 minutes to participate online via the link below I'd be really grateful



why did it ask me for my social security number and my mothers maiden name?


Hi - it asks you to set up a unique code so your data can be removed from the study if you want. The suggestion is the last 2 letters of your mothers maiden name and the last 3 numbers of your phone number (please don't use your social security number) but you can make up any code you want if that suits you better. It's just something for you to remember so that if you change your mind you can give me the code and I can use it to delete your data.

Thank you


dude I was actually joking, I never clicked the website 0.o so strange.


 #VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


Done :) I got my degree in psychology. I understand how important these studies can be! :)

Other people on the board- you should do this. Takes very little time and it helps her out! :D

Check out my multicouples vid!


Already did it. I don't binge-watch because I think it ruins the experience of a well crafted show, but I answered to the best of my ability throughout.

"Hello? Mr. Ohmygodcrunchcrunch? Look, spit out whatever you're chewing and start over!"


Thank you! :)
