MovieChat Forums > Games: Other Games > The Boards Leaving is Bringing out the F...

The Boards Leaving is Bringing out the Fake in You Guys Again

Like Javi and Kathy acting like besties and are gonna miss each other? LOL. Thats nuts based on everything Javi has told me about her.

Its one thing to say bye to one another in a respectful way etc. but to wanna keep in touch with people you hate? Please.

Lets be REAL. The boards are ending, maybe its good some of you find something new to do

In Trump We Trust


Regardless l'll miss everyone! Even you Jesse

You can get a look at a good T-Bone Steak by sticking your head up a bull's ass.


I guess the bright side in all this is I won't be getting these sad pathetic PMs from you

image for user KingJesseRebel
from KingJesseRebel » Wed Jan 18 2017 22:36:16 Delete | Reply
IMDb member since December 2015
I want us to be friends again/....

In Trump We Trust

image for user KingJesseRebel
from KingJesseRebel » Thu Jan 19 2017 18:24:36 Delete | Reply
IMDb member since December 2015
We be cool again???

In Trump We Trust




Jesse, I know there is a certain degree of fakeness that is prone to going on here sometimes on a daily basis (part of the reason I stopped playing as I was getting too into online friendships during a lonely time in my life and some of them really burned me which was a reality check and my dedication to gaming never returned), but I do think there's something to be said for the length of time we all spent on here over the years. I don't think Javi and Kathy are being fake in expressing sadness over the community they both loved and contributed to a great deal ending on no uncertain terms, and treating each other well given the circumstances.

Like high school classmates, I don't necessarily care for some of the people from my past, but there still seems to be an acknowledgement between us. Whenever I see someone from that time of my life, there is a genuine curiosity over where we both ended up. It's not like I will bring up something that made me dislike them from the past just to be unpleasant, or "not fake". We just greet each other and ask about each other's lives. Decency goes a long way, and I can understand the want for people to keep in touch, even if on a recurring basis.

I don't think a little bit of respect and consideration should always be called fake. It's just how life works, we can't always be mean and nasty to the ones we don't like so we always have to find common ground somehow. For some of us, that was the IMDb games board.

Movin' to FUNKYTOWN!


The one shining light to this place going under. Not having to deal with this *beep* ass hole any longer. I would take Javi over Jesse any day of the week. What an utter POS. Negativity rules your life, it engulfs you. All you do is create problems, point out faults, stir up trouble (this thread being case and point). You live a sad, sad life indeed. I cannot wait to no longer have to deal with you.

Truly been a misery knowing you. The place is comign to an end and you still want to stir up *beep* Shut UP. Poisonous to the end.

How I feel every time you speak

 #VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


Oh, I agree with appreciation and acknowledgment... but wanting to keep in touch with someone you don't like? Thats FAKE.

Neil, shut up. Most people don't even like you. You're so delusional. Having played games with you now, you are wayyyyy more negative than me. Its nuts that you have the nerve to say anything bad about ANYONE.

In Trump We Trust


Jesse, would you please edit your post? Regardless of if Javi said that or not, I don't think it's something everyone needs to see and I think the person he said it about would not appreciate it being on a public post.

At once I knew I was not magnificent


You're the *beep* one making negative ass threads, dickhead. Jesus Christ you make me sick. I CANNOT *beep* WAIT TO SEE THE END OF YOU.

You STFU you *beep* cancer.

 #VivaLaBull - Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
