Thoughts on the new MacGyver?
Saw the second episode & liked it, but don't see making it must watch TV.
I was disappointed with the Blacklist premier.
I'm 24 like jazzed out about how Quantico started out this season, blew my mind!
I used to watch the one from back in the day when i was a kid etc (i was born 1979) but the new one it's not worth my time like damn near all other shows on those channels which i don't know how they continue to rake in millions of viewers on shows that are a dime-a-dozen as once you get used to quality movies etc you simply cannot watch damn near all of the stuff on ABC/NBC/CBS etc as the quality is just not there.
even for laughs it's hard to get into them in comparison to a funny movie.
My Top 100-ish Movies of All-Time! =
I really liked the first season of the old show.
I didn´t catch most of the first episode of the new one because I facepalmed a lot.
I wasn't the hugest fan of the original anyway (I often watched A-Team instead), but the new one is incredibly cheesy and feels just like another Agents of Shield-esque show. It's supposed to be about MacGyver, not his quip-filled team. A very 2010s show that I don't predict will last very long.
shareI saw the trailer, why are they forcing him to have a haircut like a douche.
MacGyver had one cost it was the 80's, MacGrubber has one because he was a parody of MacGyver (and a douche), the new MacGyver has one because the producers are unoriginal hacks without any sort of vision.
I haven't seen it. I saw the preview for it, though. The new MacGyver has a face I would love to use as a punching bag. Reading the reviews on the page here has convinced me to avoid it.
On a side note, I'm going to be starting a run on the old series. I'm going to watch to see if he ever uses just a paperclip and bubble gum.
That is all.