OK.....does anyone know the very first movie where someone used a cellphone? I'm thinking in the 1980s when the 'brick phone' first came out? anyway, title and if possible the name of the person using it?
shareOK.....does anyone know the very first movie where someone used a cellphone? I'm thinking in the 1980s when the 'brick phone' first came out? anyway, title and if possible the name of the person using it?
share1922 - British Pathe (Filmed, but not technically your definition of a 'movie'). https://youtu.be/ILiLaRXHUr0
1954 - Sabrina. Phone used in a car.
1963 - From Russia With Love. Phone used in a car.
Were you looking for an actual cellphone use or just mobile phones?
holy cow!!!
what a great reply........the 1922 was amazing......but not to be TOO picky, (LOL) I was thinking more of actual cellphones that someone held in their hand, like we use them today..
so if you help further,thanks; if not, thanks for the great 'first reply'!
1973 - Magnum Force (it had a pull-out aerial but it wasn't a walkie talkie).
Wall Street (1987) is probably the first with what we now know as cellular phones.
Not including the shoe-phone in Get Smart (1955), Star Trek's pilot (1965), The Cage, which was not aired till 1988, many years after it was written (1964), beat them to it but you said movies so...
If Wall Street is the correct answer it's sad that Gordon Gekko only beat Zack Morris by like 2 years lol