1984-2004 2 young guys 50's Corvette Midwest car trouble small town
Meet 2 girls. One owns auto parts store. the 2 strangers draw attention from the physically/verbally threatening local rowdies in the town diner/bar/pool hall. Owner of Corvette a recent college grad from a wealthy family w/no self-defense skills. Matriarchal diner owner tries to help the 2 fellows, as do their lovely companion-friends.
Can not recall the names of anyone on cast. The Corvette owner is tall, blonde, self-impressed, perfect Country Club persona and condescending vocal inflections. His sidekick was the polar opposite, and I believe he was a hitch-hiker. The scenery is the desert southwest. I'm sure the Driver cast member has been in other movies, before & since.
Thank you greatly for your Sherlock Holmes skills & determination.
This has been driving me nuts for over a month.