29 unsloved questions! (Now only 23)
Since IMDb is getting rid of this board, this is the last chance I have to get help. Normally I'd make individual threads and spread them out over time but due to the time constraints I thought it would be easier to make one thread with all 28 of them. Thanks for any suggestions.
1: I remember seeing this movie in the 1970's or early 1980's. What I remember(which may not be accurate)is the movie opens with a big battle on horseback and possibly camel back. I believe it was between Arabs and British fighters. It may not have been a battle between armies. It could have just been a group raiding a village. The one thing that has stuck with me since I watched it as a little kid was someones head being chopped of with a sword by a guy on a horse or camel. I believe there was a close up of the head in the sand. I also remember the battle being very bloody which was very noticeable due to the Arabs wearing white. I saw this movie in the theater in the U.S.A. and then some time later it aired on HBO. The movie was either in English or dubbed into English.
The following movies have been ruled out.
Khartoum (1966)
Lion of the Desert (1980)
The Wind and the Lion (1975)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
W pustyni i w puszczy (1973) also known as In Desert and Wilderness
Tuareg - Il guerriero del deserto (1984) also known as Tuareg: The Desert Warrior
The Four Feathers (1978)
The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
Conan the Barbarian (1982)
The Omen (1976)
L'umanoide (1979) also known as The Humanoid
Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (1972) also known as Aguirre, the Wrath of God
The Light That Failed (1939)
Highlander (1986)
Zulu Dawn (1979)
Zulu (1964)
March or Die (1977)
The Passage (1979)
Il deserto dei tartari (1976) also known as The Desert of the Tartars
Clash of the Titans (1981)
The Big Red One: The Reconstruction (2005)
The Big Red One (1980)
The Message (1976) I also don't think it could be Al-risâlah (1976) which is the Arabic version of The Message (1976) because the movie I saw was in English. It would make no sense to release the Arabic language version dubbed into English in the U.S.A. when an English version of the same movie was specifically made for English speaking countries.
2: I remember a movie or TV show, Possibly from the '90s, where runaway street kids sell their underwear to a man. There was a scene where two girls open a can of tuna and smear it into the crotch of the panties because he pays even more if they are especially smelly. I seem to remember the man who buys the underwear was based on a real guy. I did read about Ed Savitz who only bought underwear from teen boy runaways, but I didn't see any reference to a character being inspired by him.
The following movies have been ruled out.:
Ripe (1996)
Johns (1996)
Where the Day Takes You (1991)
Streets (1990)
My Own Private Idaho (1991)
Times Square (1980)
3: Does anyone know the actress that played the young Chicken Lady in the Kids in the Hall "Chicken Lady: Homecoming" sketch?
She is at 3:41 and says "What are you doing?".
People suggested Kayla Lorette and Laura Bertram but no definitive answer.
SOLVED 4: I remember a scene where a couple, one of which is HIV positive, agree to have safe sex, but afterwards the HIV positive man sees his partner scrubbing himself vigorously in the bathroom. Possibly with a wire brush. I'm pretty sure it was a same sex couple. Movie most likely from the '90s. THE CORRECT MOVIE IS Something to Live for: The Alison Gertz Story (1992) THANK YOU brimfin.
The following movie had been ruled out.:
Longtime Companion (1989)
MOST LIKELY SOLVED 5: A documentary, probably from the 2000s, about different types of movie theaters around the world. I remember a traveling movie theater where they come into town and set up an outside screen. I also think there was a man with a push cart nickelodeon and kids would pay to watch short films under a blanket to block out sun glare on the screen.I'm pretty sure it focused on cinema in third world countries. After additional searching I believe the movie is Comrades in Dreams (2006) although I may be combining more than one film into a single memory.
The following movie has been ruled out.:
The Rep (2012)
6: The name of a comedian who appeared on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson in 1985, 1986 or 1987. I never forgot this because he seemed out of place on Johnny Carson's show. He did a bit about smearing cheese on his body and which types of cheese were best for smearing on ones body.
7: A Japanese animated movie which I remember very little about. Possibly about mice/trolls/little people or people living under a futuristic city with a totalitarian government. I think a big clock played a significant role in the plot. Maybe the clock ceased to function and if they can get the clock working again everything will be okay.
Suggested but incorrect.:
Hyakujû-ô Goraion (1981) also known as Beast King GoLion
8: A documentary about a fire department. Possibly Chicago. I remember them showing a dead baby. The baby's uncle was supposed to watch the baby but left to buy crack and a fire started. I never forgot the baby's arms frozen in a "reaching up" position.
9: Possibly a late '70s or '80s movie where a man was electrocuted when he grabbed the pole that connects the bumper car to the electrified ceiling.
10: A documentary about a woman with cerebral palsy who gets married, has a baby and then her husband divorced her and sued for full custody, since she was unable to physically care for the child due to her cerebral palsy. I remember thinking that the man was gay and that he used her to have a biological child.
SOLVED 11: A 1980s or early '90s foreign film, possibly french or Italian, about a girl runaway. The only thing I remember is at the end the girl is found frozen to death in a ditch by the side of the road. THE CORRECT MOVIE IS Sans toit ni loi (1985) THANK YOU lianzantoro.
12: A documentary about a man who makes a movie using only residents from a nursing home. I remember a woman cast to play someone who robs a store at gunpoint. Probably released in the past ten years.
SOLVED 13: A documentary from the late '90s or 2000s. The only thing I remember is a young Israeli boy buying instant lottery tickets and being surprised that a boy maybe 10 or 12 years old could buy instant lottery tickets. THE CORRECT MOVIE IS Promises (2001) although the scene in question appears to gave been edited out of the DVD release. Thank you dablais.
14 : A movie or TV show where a man goes to a bar and pretends to be different people to practice for his improve class. 1990s or 2000s.
The following movies have been ruled out.
Punchline (1988)
SOLVED 15: A man thinks he was abducted by aliens but it turns out it was a repressed memory of being molested as a child by his boy scout leader. THE CORRECT MOVIE IS Mysterious Skin (2004) THANK YOU Roddenhyzer.
SOLVED 16: A quote from a movie or TV show where a wife says "Oh fudge!" and her husband says something like "If you're going to curse just go for the gold." THE CORRECT MOVIE IS My Fellow Americans (1996) THANK YOU srcs.
17: The name of a DJ/performance artist who I think appeared on Saturday Night Live in the late '80s or early '90s. He had multiple record players that looked like the industrial ones used in public schools. The records had duct tape on them so they would play "samples" of the songs.
18: In the past 5 or 10 years I remember seeing a trailer for a movie that looked like a remake of Uncle Joe Shannon (1978) but I don't see any remakes listed.
19: A movie from the past 15 years where two rivals compete for a contract with the town or county to pick up roadkill.
20: A movie from the late '70s or early '80s where at the end a man is shot and falls into a swimming pool. There is a similar scene at the end of Don't Answer the Phone! (1980) but I remember it taking place in the daytime and I'm pretty sure he was shot with a machine gun and falls into an in-ground pool.
21: A documentary where special needs children put on a play. I am almost certain it was filmed at a school on Long Island New York. I have ruled out Autism: The Musical (2007). I have not been able to find any clips or a trailer for Take a Bow (2009) but the description says it was filmed in Illinois.
22: Can you identify the balding actor with white hair and a mustache from this Youtube link? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efw_eiLAr9k&feature=youtu.be&t=1h6m15s It is from the History Channel documentary Custer's Last Man: I Survived Little Big Horn (2011). Unfortunately I can only find it dubbed in Spanish. He is portraying Frank Finkel but is not listed in the cast.
23: I seem to remember a scene where a morbidly obese woman sitting on a couch falls through the floor? I thought it was from "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" but I just re-watched it and there is a scene where they are concerned that the floor may by unsafe but they reinforce it and it never occurs. What's Eating Gilbert Grape doesn't list any alternate versions. Did I imagine this scene or is it from another movie?
Below are my other unsolved threads.
24: http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000001/thread/263800238
25: http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000001/thread/264715671
26: http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000001/thread/258764331
27: http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000001/thread/262310318
28: http://www.imdb.com/board/bd0000001/thread/266011325
29: I'm also interested in suggestions for this thread